Thursday 13 October 2011

Day 3 of quarantine! And its all got a bit mental!

So for the last three days I’ve been struck ill, symptoms include, sore throat, ear ache, sinus pressure runny nose, sleep deprivation and general boredom. As is often the case the first day to day and a half are a mixture of joy and pain, the joy of croakily vetoing any responsibility for anything due to the huge illness your plagued with, while joyfully catching up on TV, and scoffing hob nobs, as there good for such ailments. On that list include; strike back project dawn, a kind of sexy British version of the program “24”. The beginning always starts with, “This program contains violence, swearing and sexual scenes which some viewers may find offensive”. Or in reality the only reason “VIEWERS” are watching it In the first place. The full show is mainly a sequence of different breasts and explosions. Sometimes even breasts get blown up which is obviously a real treat and just genius writing.

                After TV is caught up on I started on the DVDs and films that had either been sat in the DVD shelf or hogging space on the sky box. Submarine awesome, skyline, (horrendous) the black guy dying first isn’t usually a stereotype I really pay attention to, but when that black guy is turk, from scrubs, then already I have issues with the film. The rest is just some bloke and women who’s up the duff running from the inside of a building to the outside and vice versa like they have some skin afflictions sensitive to the sun and aliens that have clearly just been stolen off the computers of “the war of the worlds” . Eventually though after eating my weight in medicinal biscuits and watching TV to the point my arse physically hurt from being sat on it for so long, boredom started to set in. Not even the distraction of the update for iphone which took 5 hours to do was enough. Truly a sense of mental degradation was occurring. Then it came, the snapping point when all previous thoughts and ideals of sanity were abandoned. After watching a bit of “My left foot” on DVD I switched it off to discover loose women was on the channel I had left it on. Unable to scream profanities at these menopausal, menstruating idiots and with the remote too far away to reach I flung my limp arse and now body to the floor in a way Daniel Day Lewis and Christy Brown would have been proud of, reaching for a rogue crayon left by my rapscallion of a nephew. I clasped the crayon strongly between my toes reaching for the control with my mouth almost simultaneously scribbling with my foot the word “CUNTS” on the back of a “readers digest” envelope holding it up proudly to the TV with my other foot, while smashing my face into the TV guide button on the remote. The sense of pride was only coupled with relief when the guide popped up and the sound of their shrill voices rescinded from my head and all thoughts about periods and such slowly evaporated.

                After a while I came to thinking what other things could I do using only my feet. And in honour of dear old Christy I put to myself a set of challenges based around every day household tasks to be completed mainly using my feet. These included; emptying the wash basket and putting a wash on, making a cup of tea, polishing and wiping tops down, vacuuming could wait for another day and an improvement of skills. The plan was ready and the day was set. I thought I’d start easy with the polishing, it turns out it’s pretty easy to put a cloth between your feet and flick it across a table especially having already mastered writing the word “CUNTS”. Next was putting a wash on. This again was easy for such a master of such skills. Picking up socks and shirts with your feet is easy enough; loading it into the washing machine was a doddle. I just prayed we had tablets and not gel or powder or all that polishing may be rendered pointless and things could have got messy. Flicking the cupboard open with my big toe revealed tablets, SUCESSS!! slotting one in the drawer and pressing the on button was all but a formality. Then the true test came, the making of the tea, the risk of burns, the spilling of milk the risk of a mass sugary destruction of the now clean surfaces………………………... A smashed cup and two shelves of food spread across the kitchen floor later and i decided to call it a day.  What tomorrow bring is another matter though, maybe rescue a child from a building with my talon like toes and my new found skills. Who knows!!!

At the time I chose to believe this particular failure was due to not wearing my lucky flu hat, my bobbly, tasselled mistress. She clings to my head seductively caressing and warming the aching extremities that are my ears she has rarely left my head in the last 3 days even in bed we cuddle up together and in the morning she is still there unlike some of them slutty hats that leave in the middle of the night.  I do love this hat I think I may have to make the commitment to her and be seen publicly together, it’s the least I can do for her. That is, as soon as I’m allowed out of quarantine.

Much love


Tuesday 11 October 2011

Popping the Cherry

After the police made it clear that shouting at the kinda twats  and twatty like behaviour so very prominent in my city of origin, the beautiful and beguiling Hull. I made the conscious decision to vent my frustrations in a more creative way then hurling my shit from top of statues  like some avian like, lunatic. I’ve decided to start blogging more of my thoughts. These will most likely be my uninformed political, spiritual, philosophical and any other thoughts the flutter through my silly little mind. This will most likely be the first of many. And I’ve decided to keep the popping of my blogging virginity short much like my actual virginity.  Although I feel less pressured to explain my poor performance or cry, or blame anybody else for this other than my lack of effort, and the distraction of “Mars Attacks” being on TV.  An excuse I wish would have passed then like I feel it does now. Expect more filmic references in later blogs, as my genuine passion is film and filmmaking so much so I decided to cripple myself with debt at one of the weakest teaching institutions this country has to offer all in the pursuit of a degree and the joy of wearing that fancy hat, that will no doubt replace the fez I’m currently wearing, as my hat of choice. I’m not that fussed about the gown I would much rather receive my degree naked or sporting the purple leather suit Eddie murphy wore in “Raw”. That is all for now I anticipate something in the very near future will irk me enough that I feel the need to write about it, so expect something soon.

                Much love

                JD midgley